
SAIE Staff Workstation Guideline

Created by: Angela McElwreath

Modified on: Fri, 24 Mar, 2023 at 10:48 AM

This document represents the Student Affairs Inclusive Excellence (SAIE) guideline for the purchasing of workstation equipment, including the brand of laptop or desktop computers for appointed staff members.

Throughout this policy a personal computer (PC) is defined as one using the Microsoft Windows Operating System aka Windows OS. PCs have a variety of manufacturers, e.g., Dell, HP, Lenovo. Dell is the primary computer supplier for the University of Denver.

The terms Mac or Apple will be used interchangeably to describe a computer that was manufactured by Apple Inc., with a Mac Operating System aka “Mac OS.”

Standard Workstation Package
Since the on-set of the pandemic, Student Affairs and Inclusive Excellence has been replacing desktop with laptop computers. Laptops now include cameras and microphones eliminating the need for external web cams and speakers. The standard workstation configuration includes:
• 1 Dell laptop computer [or PC]
• 1 Docking Station
• 2 Power Cords
• Windows OS
• Monitor(s)
• 1 keyboard
• 1 mouse

 The type of hardware and software assigned cannot be based on personal preference or experience. The use of a standardized computer configuration across the university and division improves overall user experience and support. With a standard computer set-up and configuration, IT can more efficiently manage troubleshooting, product warranties, periodic updates, security, peripherals, software licenses, repair parts, [the] loaner pool and total cost of ownership (TOC). 


This guideline acknowledges that Health and Counseling Services (HCC) may have separate and discrete hardware and software needs for the delivery of health care services. HCC administrative staff, in coordination with BODR IT, will assess technology needs and compatibility with existing platforms and systems.

In rare circumstances, based on a staff member’s job function, role or approved accommodation, a request for a workstation other than the standard set-up, e.g., Mac, companion tablet device or a peripheral item, will be reviewed.  Prior to submitting a request, staff members are expected to first familiarize themselves with the BODR IT knowledge base. Requests should be made through  SAIE Fresh Desk, and will be reviewed in combination by IT, the Assistant Vice Chancellor for BODR and the division Vice Chancellor.  Approved requests for non-standard gear will be funded by the requesting department, unless based on an accessibility accommodation.



1. SAIE encompasses SAIE (1020) and HRE (1040). As noted, HCC (1030) has similar but separate processes due to the nature of their operations. 




Angela is the author of this solution article.

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